Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top ten for 2008

This is our family's best memories of 2008 counted down...
10. Snowboarding weekend with my wonderful sisters!!

9. Carson's first trip to the beach

8. Carson learning to walk

7. Carson's first pony ride

6. Two trips to the pumpkin patches

5. Winter snow storm
4. Our Mexico trip

3. Kahneeta trip with the family
2. Carson's first birthday

1. And last but not least... Our new home!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

And the snow keeps on coming...

It has been almost 2 weeks of snow here in the Northwest- CRAZY!! I absolutely love it!! We went to every store in the Vancouver area looking for a sled and they are out everywhere!! So, we fashioned our own sled out of the changing table that sits on top of the pack n' play. We tied some rope to it and... ta dah!

Steve, Dad, Miranda, Carson and I decided to take advantage of the deep snow and build a snowman... Mr. E-I-E-I-O (as Carson called him). He was lots of fun to make and I hope he stays around for a while :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

I love the snow!!

We have been getting some good snow here in Vancouver this week! It has been so fun to watch Carson explore in the snow. He will go to the window and say "woah." We took him to see the lights at PIR last night and the whole time it was "woah" it's his version of "wow."

I hope the snow stays through next week, but I am not holding my breath.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tagged by Briana...

I was tagged by Briana to post the 3rd pic of my 6th folder... here it is:

Of course it's Carson because he is in ALL my folders :) This was his first official trip to the park and ride in the swing! We actually went to the park yesterday and he no longer wants anything to do with the swings!! I think it keeps him in one place for way too long :)

I choose to tag... Tracey, Tammy H., and Meichelle