Friday, June 12, 2009

Terrible two's in ful force!!

I don't know what has gotten into Carson lately but he is on the verge of driving Steve and I to the looney bin!

Carson has been throwing spitting and screaming fits about EVERYTHING! He literally will spit all over himself over things like the ball not being in the exact position he wants it in. A few days ago he threw a fit from the time he woke up to the time he finally went to sleep.

We have tried 'time out' in the naughty chair, he has gotten a spanking and we have tried just totally ignoring him. Time out seems to just enrage him even more. The spanking worked well for a few minutes, but I feel like I am a hipocrite when I spank him and tell him not to hit immediately afterwards.

I am so anxious to see what his behavior is going to turn into when the baby comes... if he thinks he's starving for attention now- he is in for a rude awakening! We are trying to enroll him in a preschool/childcare program a couple days a week where he can be exposed to other children and get acquainted with not having the adult's undivided attention!

Any advice on how to deal with this 'phase' would be greatly appreciated!!