Monday, October 29, 2007

This weekend Carson and I went to Amie's house for her baby shower. There was a little girl there who was born April 7th and oh boy.... she was going circles around little Carson. She was crawling, sitting by herself and holding her own bottle! Carson can only sit up for a few seconds by himself and he scoots in circles (not crawls) and he is not interested in holding his own bottle! So, Steve and I (as first time parents) are like "why can't Carson do all that?" I know it's all individual, but every parent wants their child to do everything earlier than their peers :) It was an interesting experience to see Carson interacting with all the children there, it was pretty much the first time he had been around other babies and was able to interact with them.

We still haven't sold our house :( not even close- we have only showed it a few times. It's sooo discouraging! The market sucks!! Hopefully soon we will be able to move closer to Grandma Gail!

Oh by the way... the Starbucks cup was empty by the time Carson got ahold of it. It was pretty cute though :)


Tracy said...

I wouldn't worry too much about the whole crawling thing, infact enjoy it while it lasts! My girlfriend has a boy just over a year now and has been walking since 8 1/2 months! He is into absolutly everything!
BTW Carson is absolutly ADORABLE! his big eyes are so sweet and make me melt!
I am so jealous of you going to Hawaii!

kristy said...

ok, don't even stress about his skills cuz rowan didn't crawl until he was almost 9 months and is 1 year now and still not even the slightest interest in walking... and believe me, i'm ready for him to walk!! he's too heavy to carry anymore, the little chunker. so I don't care what people say ("be glad that he isn't") cuz he's still into everything!!! i just want to be able to put him down and let him run around instead of crawling all over and getting dirty... oh, carson is such a doll! i just love his sweet face. i miss you guys! but i loove your blog, it's so great you are doing one!! love you lots.